On May 13 to 15, the “Joint Meeting of the Confucius Institutes in Africa", sponsored by Hanban, organized by Confucius Institute at Eduardo Mondlane University, was held in Maputo, Mozambique. Over 300 people, including principals, deans of Confucius Institutes and Classrooms, as well as the representatives of central African companies from 41 countries of Africa, attend the meeting. CSU participated in this conference and addressed at the sub-forum.

The conference focused on three topics, namely “improving the quality of Confucius Institues”, etc. Zhou Kechao expressed his ideas on the construction and development of CI in DRC that we should respond positively towards the “Belt and Road Initiative” and align with the “state-owned enterprises to go out” strategy. He said, CSU will strive to make the CI in DRC the model of Confucius Institutes.